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promoappliedbutnodiscount Введенный промо-код был включен в ваш заказ, однако ни к одной позиции он не был применен – пожалуйста, уточните условия промо-акции. The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet - please check the promotion terms
upgradeerroroverdueinvoice Сейчас вы не можете изменить этот продукт/сервис потому что счет на оплату следующего периода уже создан. Для продолжения вы сначала должны оплатить текущий счет, а затем сможете изменить продукт/сервис. You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an invoice has already been generated for the next renewal.<br /><br />To proceed, please first pay the outstanding invoice and then you will be able to upgrade or downgrade immediately following that and be charged the difference or credited as appropriate.
upgradeexistingupgradeinvoice You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an upgrade or downgrade is already in progress.<br /><br />To proceed, please first pay the outstanding invoice and then you will be able to upgrade or downgrade immediately following that and be charged the difference or credited as appropriate.<br/><br/>If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please submit a trouble ticket. You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an upgrade or downgrade is already in progress.<br /><br />To proceed, please first pay the outstanding invoice and then you will be able to upgrade or downgrade immediately following that and be charged the difference or credited as appropriate.<br/><br/>If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please submit a trouble ticket.
subaccountactivate Суб-аккаунт Activate Sub-Account
subaccountactivatedesc для доступа в клиентскую часть. Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access
subaccountpermissions Права доступа суб-аккаунта Sub-Account Permissions
subaccountpermsprofile Изменить главный аккаунт Modify Master Account Profile
subaccountpermscontacts Просмотр и управление контактами View & Manage Contacts
subaccountpermsproducts Продукты и услуги View Products & Services
subaccountpermsmanageproducts Просмотр и изменение паролей продуктов и услуг View & Modify Product Passwords
subaccountpermsdomains Просмотр доменов View Domains
subaccountpermsmanagedomains Управление настройками доменов Manage Domain Settings
subaccountpermsinvoices Просмотр и оплата счетов View & Pay Invoices
subaccountpermstickets Просмотр и открытие тикетов View & Open Support Tickets
subaccountpermsaffiliates Просмотр и управление партнерской программой View & Manage Affiliate Account
subaccountpermsemails Просмотр почты View Emails
subaccountpermsorders Новый заказ/Изменение/Отмены Place New Orders/Upgrades/Cancellations
subaccountpermissiondenied У вас недостаточно прав для доступа к этой странице You do not have the required permissions to access this page
subaccountallowedperms Вы имеете доступ: Your allowed permissions are:
subaccountcontactmaster Свяжитесь с владельцем главного аккаунта, если считаете что это ошибка. Contact the master account owner if you feel this to be an error.