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affiliatesignuptitle Получайте выплаты по партнерской программе, ссылаясь на нас Guadagna segnalandoci nuovi clienti!
affiliatesignupintro Активируйте партнерский аккаунт и начните зарабатывать прямо сейчас... Attiva il tuo account affiliato e inizia a guadagnare crediti oggi stesso!
domainaddonsinfo Следующие дополнения доступні для домена(-ов)... Le seguenti opzioni extra sono disponibili per il/i tuo/i dominio/i
unsubscribesuccess Подписка отменена. Cancellazione effettuata con successo
feedbackclosed Отзыв нельзя оставить, пока тикет не будет закрыт Non puoi inviarci la tua opinione fino a quando il ticket non è stato chiuso.
feedbackprovided Вы уже оставили отзыв по данному тикету Hai già fornito la tua opinione per questo ticket.
feedbackreceived Отзыв получен Grazie! Modulo ricevuto.
twofaenforced Прежде чем вы сможете продолжить, необходимо настроить двухэтапную авторизацию для повышения уровня безопасности. Per la tua sicurezza, ti chiediamo di attivare l' Autenticazione a doppio livello prima di continuare. Questa pagina ti guiderà nel suo processo di attivazione.
twofabackupcodeis Ваш резервный код: Il tuo codice di riserva è
twofabackupcodeexpl Запишите его на бумаге и храните в безопасном месте.<br />Код может понадобиться при потере или отсутствии доступа к устройству дополнительной авторизации Write this down on paper and keep it safe.<br />It will be needed if you ever lose your 2nd factor device or it is unavailable to you.
twofa2ndfactorreq Второй этап авторизации требуется, чтобы войти E' richiesta la tua autenticazione a doppio livello di sicurezza per accedere.
quoteacceptancetitle Quote Acceptance Quote Acceptance
quoteacceptancehowto To accept the quote, please confirm your acceptance of our terms of service which can be viewed @ To accept the quote, please confirm your acceptance of our terms of service which can be viewed @
quoteacceptancewarning Please be aware that accepting a quote is considered entering into a contract and you will not be able to cancel once accepted. Please be aware that accepting a quote is considered entering into a contract and you will not be able to cancel once accepted.
twoipverificationstep Verification Step Verification Step
twoipverificationstepmsg Enter the security code generated by your mobile authenticator app and we'll make sure it's configured correctly before enabling it. Enter the security code generated by your mobile authenticator app and we'll make sure it's configured correctly before enabling it.
twoipverificationerror It seem's there's a problem... It seem's there's a problem...
twoipcodemissmatch The code you entered did not match what was expected. Please try again. The code you entered did not match what was expected. Please try again.
twoiptimebasedpassword Time-based One-Time Password Time-based One-Time Password
twoiptimebasedexplain This authentication option get's it's second factor using a time based algorithm. Your mobile phone can be used to generate the codes. If you don't already have an app that can do this, we recommend Google Authenticator which is available for iOS, Android and Windows mobile devices. This authentication option get's it's second factor using a time based algorithm. Your mobile phone can be used to generate the codes. If you don't already have an app that can do this, we recommend Google Authenticator which is available for iOS, Android and Windows mobile devices.